Thoughts, Nonsense, Neurosis, Boom

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

my day today

ok, i stole this idea from Daniel. yes, i'm a thief.

today i:

woke up
fell back asleep
woke up. again.
fed the fish.
poured davey some cereal.
got dressed.
drank coffee.
checked email.
surfed blogs.
messed with sidebar of blog.
confirmed doctor's appt.
made coffee.
made davey a sammich.
ate a hot dog.
wrote two poems.
deleted two poems.
surfed blogs.
watched Pooh's Heffalump Movie with davey.
messed with sidebar of blog some more.
surfed blogs.
brought groceries in from the car.
put groceries away.
made coffee.
fed the fish.
surfed blogs.
made coffee.
ate hamburger helper.
read some of my sandman comic (ahem, i mean "graphic novel")
chatted online.
spied on a webcam.
wrote this post.

...and here's a prediction for the rest of the night:

make coffee
eat a popsicle
watch Boogeyman DVD
smoke smoke smoke
take my 2am shower
write the most hella poetry ever

yes, i know. how utterly fascinating.

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