Thoughts, Nonsense, Neurosis, Boom

Monday, December 19, 2005

the jenny is alive

well, i'm all moved and uh....not even half unpacked. SHEESH, i have too much stuff. my packrat ways are finally biting me in the ass. i dunno why i felt the need to keep every article of clothing i've ever owned, davey's too. but still, it slays being back in my own place and not being cramped into a tiny room in my parents' house anymore. even though my entire living room is crowded with boxes of things i don't need and i've yet to find a job here.

another thing that's been driving me insane was the lack of internet. i officially moved in last tuesday and only today got (gag) AOL running. i mean, i hate AOL, but at least it's something, it's my mom's account so it's free. free's always a good thing. now i don't feel AS isolated in this strange new town.

i had a dream last night about a place i just drove by for the first time today, how wicked is that. even though it was sort of a nightmare, i still took it as a sign that i belong here.

and another cool thing about this town. there is a street named Gay. when i drive davey to school, he says "mommy, this street is gay" and dammit, i can NOT keep a straight face.

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