Thoughts, Nonsense, Neurosis, Boom

Friday, January 17, 2014


Sometimes I need to quiet my mind and quit talking to myself. My head is clearing, I'm getting things done, cleaning and all that nonsense. Domestic shit. I'm also thinking about writing something that isn't so trite/whiny/self-centered. I don't know what and I don't want to force it, but I feel a need for something specific and creative to concentrate on. When I'm creating, pouring myself into something, I have something to look forward to. When I am endlessly perusing Facebook and see the same shit over and over, the same cutesy inspirational quotes, the same politics on both sides bashing each other, everything starts to feel a little pointless. Nothing seems real. As if no one has actual thoughts anymore, they're all swallowing and regurgitating the same information. It's all a little false. It's where all of my friends and family are (I do not have the convenience of living close to or seeing most of my friends in person anymore), so I still gravitate to Facebook daily. But maybe some time away. Get some perspective. There is this real world around me.

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